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The WCR Group

Driven by curiosity and societal needs, our group engages in research and teaching on Weather and Climate Risks (WCR). We aim at bridging the gap between science and society through reflection, risk modelling, and engagement with public and private stakeholders.

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Latest News

24.03.2024 – Mangrove forests as breakwaters

Enlarged view: Science City

At Treffpunkt Science City, ETH’s public science programme for all ages, WCR’s Sarah Hülsen gave a lecture about how the restoration of natural coastlines can help protect people living in these areas from tropical cyclones. Watch the lecture external pagehere

15.11.2023 - New publication: Global protection from tropical cyclones by coastal ecosystems—past, present, and under climate change

Enlarged view: Coastal ecosystems

The study led by WCR’s Sarah Hülsen delves into the vital role coastal ecosystems play in disaster risk reduction and climate change adaptation. external pageRead the paper or external pageread the blog post by the author.

01.09.2023 - CAS ETH in Climate Innovation is now open for registration

Enlarged view: Climate Innovation

Working with real world case studies, the Climate Innovation programme empowers climate change leaders with the necessary skills and knowledge to support and lead the transition towards net zero emissions. Read more here.

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